Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Monday, July 20, 2009
5:09 PM
So Monday was a pretty low key day and I spent the morning catching up on random stuff. I decided to take a run/jog/walk downtown which ended up being a bit longer than I had anticipated. It was a good 10 miles or so but I'm now strongly convinced that leisurely jogs are among the finest ways to get to know a town. You really get a feel for the pace of the people and what they do on a daily basis. I left around 5 so everyone was off work/out of school.

The parks were packed with kids and their moms or assortments of seniors. I stopped and watched a pickup game of soccer which actually looked to play a lot like American kids would look aside from one kid who had ridiculous touch and was scoring goals like crazy. When I got back they were worried as Carlo's mom had told me about a park around the block (which I had checked out too) and thought I was completely lost, but all was well.

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